Fordfield Road, Sunderland, Tyne And Wear, SR4 0DA

01915 537655

  1. Learning
  2. Early Years
  3. Reception - Curriculum
  4. Reception Gallery & Work 22/23

Reception Gallery & Work 22/23

Love is all around us.

This week, as our ‘celebrations’ topic comes to an end we have been learning about Valentines Day. We have been thinking and talking lots about people we love and who love us.

Using our phonics knowledge, and of course our best handwriting, we wrote messages and cards to some of the special people in our lives including our school friends.


We created some fabulous valentines artwork, using our cutting skills we created beautiful collage love hearts. We also had fun painting, as well as brushes, we used cookie cutters and pipe cleaners to print hearts.

At our playdough table, we rolled dough and cut hearts, which we then decorated using beads, sparkles and pompoms.

Searching for seven!

This week in maths we have been learning about the number 7. We visited Ten Town and met Sir Seven who told us his story and we sang his song. In our maths area, we experimented with different ways to get to 7, practised forming the number, solved addition problems and played I spy to find the number 7 in the classroom.

Chloe said: “I have found the number 7.”

Eviie said: “It is on the clock.”

Layla said: “I need to add 4.”

Layton said: “I have found more than one 7."

What makes a good friend? 

This week in Reception we have been discussing at the different ways we can be a good friend. During circle time we looked at different scenarios and decided if they were ‘friendly’ or ‘unfriendly’. 

Danaia said: “Would you like to play with me outside Eviie?” 

Oli said: “I am reading a story with my friend Layton.”

Marvelous Maths

In reception, we have been doing lots of fantastic maths work. We have been looking at shapes and sorting them into groups. We have considered the properties of shapes, including looking at how many sides each shape has and whether they are straight or curved.

We have been investigating numbers 4 and 5 and the different ways we can represent them. We matched  numbers to image  to practise counting and number recognition and formation.. ​

Our secret garden

We have thoroughly enjoyed visiting and exploring our beautiful school garden. We discovered a variety of minibeasts and spotted signs that Autumn has truly arrived. We talked about how the leaves are changing colour and beginning to crunch beneath our feet. Being careful not to prick our fingers, we open the green spiky shells that had fallen from our horse chestnut tree to discover small, but shiny conkers inside. Navigating our way through the maze was lots of fun and thankfully we all made our way out!

Our garden is also a wonderful place to relax with a good book and we enjoyed sharing some of our favourite stories. 

Science experiment

We were fascinated during this week’s science lesson. We learned about what happens when you increase pressure by squeezing air and water.

After filling a plastic bottle with blue sparkly water, we attached a cut out rainbow fish to the end of a pipette an added blu tac as a weight.

An air bubble became trapped in the pipette when we dropped the rainbow fish into the bottle. Squeezing the bottle pushed water up to top, squashing the air bubble and letting water in, making the fish sink to the bottom. When we stopped squeezing, the fish floated back to the top. 

Off to a flying start!

What an amazing start to reception we have had! We have settled well into our new classes and have already had so much fun exploring our classrooms and outdoor areas together.  Songs and stories play a huge part in our learning in reception and we have enjoyed reading a singing lots this past week.

As part of our ‘Marvellous Me’ topic  we have been talking about what makes us who we are and what is special about each and every one of us. We enjoyed reading the ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and the story prompted us to think about what makes a good friend. We chatted about it at snack time, which we enjoyed outside, when the sun was shining.

“ Being kind” Alarnah

“Sharing the toys” Dylan S

Then we created our own beautiful rainbow fish using collage