This week in year 3 we have been experimenting with plants! Firstly, we have been observing our broad beans that are growing with no soil, no air, no light and being planted close together – check out the photos to see their progress! Additionally, we have been learning about xylem (the microscopic tubes found inside the stem of a plant that transport water). We added white flowers to water that had blue food colouring in. We will be checking these over the next week to understand just how the xylem work!
Henri Rousseau
In art, we have been looking at the work of Henri Rousseau. We created a fact file of the artist and discussed what we liked about his artwork. We then took inspiration from his work while practising our sketching techniques.
Into the rainforest...
We have had a fantastic start to the Spring term and have begun our new topic on rainforests. In geography, we located and labelled the countries around the world where tropical rainforests can be found. We also looked at South America where The Amazon Rainforest is located and used atlases to locate and name all of the countries in the Amazon rainforest region.
Stone Age Houses
In Design and Technology we have enjoyed designed our own Stone Age house. We have taken ideas for our houses from the well-preserved Stone Age village of Skara Brae which we have also been learning about in History and information about other houses during the Neolithic period. We have designed the inside and outside and plan to use materials such as cardboard, lolly sticks and tissue paper.
Stone Age Boy Diary Entries
In English, we have completed writing our diary entries written from the point of view of the main character in our class novel ‘Stone Age Boy’. We have been working hard to include powerful vocabulary in our writing to describe what life was like in the Stone Age.
Stone Age Cave Descriptions
In English, we have been adding the finishing touches to our setting descriptions. We focused on using rich vocabulary and various descriptive techniques such as fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and prepositions. We finished our writing off by adding a decorative rocky border to immerse the reader into the Stone Age.
Stone Age Workshop
This week in year three we took part in a fantastic Stone Age workshop to enhance our learning of what life was like in the Stone Age. We learnt how the first people lived their everyday lives, how they lit fires and learnt how to make a Stone Age shelter.
Nieve said “I really enjoyed building a shelter and learning how to light a fire.”
Josh said “I enjoyed learning about the different ways to light a fire.”
Cave Paintings
In art, we have been looking at what we can learn about the Stone Age people from the cave paintings that have been discovered. We have been practicing sketching techniques in preparation for making our own cave paintings. We used chalk pastels and sketching pencils to sketch out animals and figures.
Properties of Rocks
We have been exploring rocks in Science. We have learnt about 3 different types of rocks and where they come from. This week we were focusing on the properties of rocks and we completed an investigation on this. We tested how hard and how permeable chalk and granite were with different tools and materials.
The Stone Age
This week in year 3, we have started our new topic for the Autumn Term all about The Stone Age! We began by ordering key events from the Stone Age on a timeline and we are looking forward to learning lots of new things about prehistoric Britain.
Jack C said “I am looking forward to learning about how the Stone Age evolved.”
Alanah R said “I would like to learn about what they eat.”
It's good to be me!
To begin our topic ‘Good to be me’, we have been looking at what makes us unique and celebrating our differences – from the way we look, who we live with and what our hobbies and interests are. We have learnt that being unique is the best thing you can be!
As part of our ‘Good to be me’ topic have also been reading ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’ and looking at the theme of relationships – particularly friendship. We have discussed what makes a good friend and how we can show the important people in our life that we care about them.
In English, we received a letter from our new teachers to find out a little bit more about them. We have been given the task to write a response and inform our teachers about us!